Cleaning an Apartment Before Moving Out

Cleaning an Apartment Before Moving Out

Yay! The day is almost here. It is finally time for you to move out, and hopefully move on to a bigger and better apartment. If not, the day can still be exciting if your new apartment is smaller, as long as you are happy about the move. In reality though, you may be excited but you have not even begun to start cleaning. And of course, you have to pass the dreaded move out inspection to even get that nice security deposit back. Don’t worry though, we are here to give you Tips For Cleaning An Apartment Before Moving Out.

Make Sure You Vacuum

While it may seem elementary, this is an important step in moving out of an apartment. You may think you have clean the carpet thoroughly when you vacuum it a month ago, but dirt and grime may have built up again since then. It is always a good idea to vacuum the carpet right before moving out. This time when you do it however, make sure to use a good quality carpet cleaner to pull up the dirt and grime built in. If you are moving out on a budget, you can use baking soda as a cleaner and it works just as well. Just let the baking soda sit on the carpet 10-20 minutes and vacuum as normal. The leasing office will never know how dirty the carpet was before, and you will be well on your way to releasing your security funds!

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Dust Your Apartment

Yes, you do have to dust your apartment. While you may not understand why or even see the dust, the person doing the apartment inspection can. If you decide not to dust, you may not get your full security deposit back due to ‘lack of cleanliness.’ You don’t have to do anything drastic, just get a dust cloth and any dust polish and get to work. Try to get the hot spot areas such as the window blinds, wood areas, baseboards and door trims. It is also a good idea to dust your own personal furniture because who wants to bring dust into a new apartment.

Mop Your Floor Please

Please mop your floor. You have no idea how many horror stories apartment owners have of tenants of horrifically dirty floors. We would hope that you have mopped your floors multiple times during your stay, but you never know. Anyhow, it is pretty crucial that you mop your floors in the apartment. Whether you use a traditional mop or a mop with wet pads is up to you, just make sure that the floors are thoroughly clean for inspection. Since apartment owners want the apartment as move in ready as possible, they will more than thank you for doing this.

Wipe Down Everything Before You Go

Before you leave for good, make sure to wipe down before you go. Think about it, you have been putting your germs and DNA on everything since you been there. We are pretty sure that the next tenant would like to have less of your DNA in the apartment as possible. You can use any all purpose cleaning wipes or even make your own spray with vinegar, water and soap. Start with the main hotspot areas such as the light switches, door knobs, and countertops. Make sure you get your bathroom, cabinets, refrigerators, and any other place you used on a daily basis. This will be greatly appreciated, and put you in a good light with the apartment owners which is always a plus.

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